Dear parents, English We continued to improve our story comprehension with "The Frog Chef". In groups, we chose our favourite parts of the book and rehearsed and performed a scene . It was a lot of fun to use our acting skills in English class! We explored the use of commas in introductory phrases . We found words that end in "tion" and discussed the meaning. We picked the four most important parts of books and practiced sequencing by writing and drawing the story using the style of "first, then, next, finally". Maths This week, we explored 3D shapes . We reviewed what we knew already by matching the name to the shape and describing it. We built different models of the shapes using paper, play-doh, and a magnet/stick set to help us to visualise the sides/faces, corners, edges, and curved surfaces. We compared the shapes to 2D shapes. We found 3D shapes at home. We cut through the shapes to see what they looked like on the inside, which we l...