Term 1 Week 7
Dear Parents, Here is the story from literacy week. Each class wrote a sentence to make one big Abroad story! Grade 3 added a lot of leaves to the reading tree! In English class, we used some prompts to write a story in creative writing. We used the "Inside your body" book to help us identify the main idea and small details. This exercise really helped us with our unit too! We had fun remembering what syllables are, and worked with a partner to record the syllables of words in a book. We also practiced our reading comprehension, by finding the answers to questions in our book, and extending our understanding by answering a challenging question. In Maths class, we worked on mental subtraction strategies. Although we already knew how to subtract numbers, we went over the concept of what subtraction means and how it changes a number. We used a number of different strategies to practice doing fast subtraction, like related facts, recognising...