Unit 3 - Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Ancient civilisations impact our lives Lines of Inquiry: Form: Ancient Civilizations Perspective: Similarities and differences between ancient civilizations Connection: Connections between the past and today Key concepts: form, connection, perspective Related concepts: values, beliefs Learner profile: open-minded, inquirers, reflective Approaches to Learning: communication skills, thinking skills This term students worked hard questioning, researching and making connections between ancient civilizations and today. For their summative assessment students created content for a digital museum. They chose key innovations that impact our lives today, and prepared models, research questions and answers as well as audio tours that explain the connections they made between the past and today. To visit the website click on the link below or scan the QR code. https://rmuirhead7.wixsite.com/abroad-osaka-grade-3 English Students worked on persuasive writing,...