Term 3 Week 7
Dear Parents, English: We read Flower Power and retold the story using important plot points. We practiced answering Cause and Effect questions, writing adjectives, and identifying sufix -ful words. We also practiced creative writing and independent reading using our leveled readers. Maths: We practiced multiplication skills. We reviewed traditional multiplication techniques, as well as breaking numbers apart. We reviewed x2, x5, and x10 tables. We worked on solving word problem challenges with one and two step multiplication solutions. We also used our understanding of measurement and scale to prepare props and our set for YEP. Unit of Inquiry: We inquired into different artists and learned about their life stories. We focused on painter Andy Warhol and author J.K. Rowling. We continued to work on our performance for YEP. We wrote our script, made props, and designed our set. We are almost finished preparing everything, and will focus on our acting skills next week. Japanese ...