Term 2 Week 3

Dear Parents,

We enjoyed making some great connections this week!

We described visual images, then worked on describing our personal reactions to the images. We discussed how amazing it is that images can provoke feelings in us, and linked this with our previous unit on body systems. We found images in ancient civilisation books, and began to explore how we could get information and react to those images too. We also worked on using the correct article (a, an, the) in our writing.

We focused on numbers this week and briefly reviewed rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. We then practiced rounding to the nearest thousand by playing fun games. Why do we need to round numbers? We made this relevant for us by finding dates in our inquiry books and rounding them to the nearest thousand. This prompted questions which led us to start looking at time on Earth as a timeline, something we will explore further next week.

Unit of Inquiry:
We researched more about Ancient Greece this week. We used books, videos, and the internet to learn more about who they were. We painted a Greek temple scene, and made models of temples from different civilisations to compare. What was especially fun for me, was that making the 3D models was not my idea at all! The students are choosing how they want to learn, and this leads to great questions and discoveries in the classroom. Students are working in teams and problem solving while they inquire. One student emailed a picture of Osaka Castle, which reminded us that we can see history all around us!

A reminder that there is no school on Monday, and that Friday is Sports Day!
Have a great long weekend!
Ms. Stacy.


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