Term 3 Week 2
Dear Parents,
In English, we focused on understanding cause and effect relationships. We identified cause and effect in non-fiction texts. We also created our own cause and effect examples. We used dictionaries to look up the meaning of our spelling words. We continued to practice editing our work. While this can be a little difficult, I definitely see a huge improvement in the quality of writing. We are doing much better at fixing small mistakes!
In Maths, we had a lot of fun with mass. We started by brainstorming ideas by looking at a weighing scales, and ultimately decided that it is used to measure how heavy things are. We converted between kilograms and grams, and vice versa, and could say when we would use kg and when we would use g. We really enjoyed measuring different items in the classroom using a traditional weighing scales, a digital weighing scales, and a balancing scales. This really helped us to understand the concept of mass and the difference between the mass of objects.
In UOI, we decided by voting that we want to focus on the lives of J.K. Rowling and Frida Kahlo for our YEP to show our central idea, personal experiences provide inspiration for an artist to create. We split into two teams and decided on a lot of details for what our show is going to look like. We got started on our script, costume design, set design, and props plans. We also shared our understanding of how our plan connects to our unit.
-We will go to the big park as a very special reward for using social skills, especially compromising, to solve problems. We went a whole week without a single fight...a rare phenomenon for Grade 3! Please send a picnic mat with your child on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend!
Ms. Stacy.
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