Term 3 Week 4

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week, and a lot of sickness in the class! We have been wearing masks and washing our hands to help stop the spread of germs.

In English, we read "Art Made From What?" to work on our comprehension skills. We made connections between the text and other texts that we have read. We also found clue words in the book to give us an idea of what the author's opinion was. We thought that words like "remarkable, beautiful, and wonderful," probably meant that the author liked the art in the book.

In Maths, we revised our knowledge of fractions. We focused especially on equivalent fractions. For example, 2/5 = 4/10. We spent a lot of time practicing this concept, as it was quite tricky to understand.

We worked on our art skills by practicing shading. We talked about the way light hits an object and creates shadows. We practiced how do shade an apple, including how to hold a pencil, to give a more realistic, 3D effect.

In UOI, we mainly worked on preparing our scripts, props, and background images for YEP. Students have been using their ICT, maths, social, and Japanese skills for this. It's great to see their growing independence!

-Free Dress will be Friday, February 7th.
-A lot of students are arriving to school without a mask. Due to the coronavirus, we should all be more careful, especially on the bus/subway. Please remind your child to wear a mask as they leave the house in the morning.

Thank you,
Ms. Stacy.


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