Term 1 Week 3

Dear Parents,

We have been busy inquiring into the Digestive System. Students worked in groups to create a menu for a restaurant. Using their research of food groups, they chose food for their menu based on the different food groups needed for a balanced and healthy diet. They also learned how to use Google Docs to help with this.

We measured the length of objects in our homes, worked on our estimating skills, learned about perimeter, and practiced calculating the perimeter of objects.

We used graphic organisers to help structure our writing plans. We read books and practiced answering comprehension questions, and learned how to spell words beginning with "in".

We celebrated Earth Day and World Book Day by creating some art. We also learned about perspective in art, and how to make objects look up close or far away.

I hope the students enjoy their break!

Happy Golden Week!
Ms. Stacy.


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