Term 3 Week 3
Dear Parents,
We were happy that clubs started back this week!
English: We learned spelling words beginning with the prefix "auto", which means self. We practiced self-assessing our work and deciding if we had answered questions correctly or not. We worked on our writing skills and remembered to include our writing strategies that we have been working on. We looked at different forms of poetry (acrostic, haiku, limerick, free verse, cinquain, and quatrain) and examples of them. We practiced identifying which type of poem we were reading.
Maths: We reviewed times tables 4, 8, and 12. We took an assessment to check our understanding of decimals. We really enjoyed investigating chance. We learned terms like certain, impossible, likely, and unlikely, and played really fun games to identify the potential outcomes in simple chance situations.
UOI: We were busy working on our summative assessments this week. To show our understanding of our central idea, the exchange of goods and services helps people and the environment, we split into groups and worked on making goods to sell in our classroom market. It was a good opportunity to work on our social and communications skills, as well as measuring and spatial awareness. Plus, it was a lot of fun!
Have a great weekend,
Ms. Stacy.
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